Rliberni's Blog – Radical language

March 22, 2011

What role does homework play in your curriculum? Is it part of the summative assessment, assigned a grade, or a percentage of a grade?

 #Edchat 03-016–2011 – 18:00 CET 12 PM EST

Thank you to Catlin Tuckers for this week’s summary of what was quite a fiery #edchat discussion. The subject of homework is one dear to everyone’s heart, parents and learners included so there were many pros and cons and I’m sure you will agree that Catlin has captured the flavour of the discussion very well! Catlin is a regular at #edchat as well as providing a great deal of value for educators across the online education world. Thank you Catlin for a great summary. Find out more about Catlin in her bio at the end of the post.


A dominant theme at this week’s edchat discussion seemed to be that we may be assigning homework because we have always assigned homework and that we haven’t necessarily really looked carefully at the why, what and how of homework. Most people felt that homework had to be relevant, interesting and useful and that it was ok NOT to give out homework. We also felt that other options could be explored such as learners designing their own homework tasks or assigning tasks for each other. Another powerful argument was in favour of learners exploring the subject themselves and deciding where they wanted to go with it. Although some people felt that homework was useful and should be given everybody agreed that it had to be well-designed and well-thought out and as much planning should go into homework as into the rest of the school day. (Berni)

 Here are some of the main themes from the discussion: 

  • Homework is necessary to reinforce understanding of concepts covered in class.
  • Homework must be interesting, relevant, and fun to be effective.
  • Boring homework does not get done.
  • Students should get a degree of choice in their homework.
  • Valid learning takes place beyond the classroom without homework.
  • Homework is an invasion of other interests, family, work, etc.
  • Homework may make it more challenging for second language learners and low-income students to be successful.
  • Use technology to make homework more engaging.
  • Use homework as formative assessment.
  • Defining the purpose of homework.
  • Is grading homework necessary or even helpful?
  • Homework develops life skills (i.e. organization, time management, discipline, etc.)
  • Flip the traditional teaching model so information is presented at home and practice happens in class.

Here is a selection of some of the comments: 

With such a vibrant discussion, it’s almost impossible to do it justice in a summary, but I’ve picked out some of the comments that caught my eye.

jleung10: Loved asynchronous HW part of my MEd. Involved conversation around topics with teacher feedback, flexible time to accomplish.
meganlearner: I don’t think that hw has 2 look the same 4 each student. Can be open-ended assignment that they can tailor to them
cfanch: Need to get to a point where students “always” have homework (even tho not assigned) – in other words they review their day’s work.
jessiekrefting: Not everything that can be counted can be assessed & not everything that can be assessed can be counted
michellek107: HW could & perhaps should be used as a formative assessment to guide the teacher not2grade the students
stumpteacher: Teachers that think kids will be motivated to do HW if graded are wrong…kids are motivated by meaningful work
schoolsEDU: Personally think homework is about practice and getting better as opposed to right, wrong, and quantity.
stumpteacher: Bigger issue for me is a kid’s grade driven down for not doing HW. Is that not a reflection of behavior and not learning?
tomwhitby: If we plan our curricula thoughtfully, all that practice could be done during the school day.
davidwees: Steps to reduce homework footprint: 1-Don’t assign busy work 2-Give students choice 3-Treat as ungraded
jleung10: effort up for discussion in grades if the grade is a measurement of student mastery? Effort muddies the mastery waters.
remi_collins: My fear is that run out of time to teach it in class so unload it on kids and parents and call it homework.
George_Haines: I think our instant gratification culture is infecting our common sense about practice.
2footgiraffe: Been training my students to Learn how to fish – instead of stealing fish from classmates (cheating)
virtual_teach: When my students were assigned boring worksheets, they didn’t do it, but when assigned as necessary (videos, bring items in) 100%
stumpteacher: Does HW set up children from low income, non-traditional, or non-english speaking homes for failure?
lysmekah: is it impossible to believe that in their spare time students ARE learning? just engaging with life and others learning happens
patrickbohnet: Differentiate with Technology! Find your students learning style either multiple intellegences or visual, auditory, kinesthetic!
HHG: What if homework’s purpose was to engage families and allow kids to make meaning of the content within safe relationships?
chris_reuter: My students are creating their own homework, Blogging for fun, searching for youtube clips to extend classroom discussion, etc
leahmacvie: Homework should be more about discovery. If lecture and HW were flipped, this could be facilitated
CTuckerEnglish: Making the “value” & real world applicability visible to students is 1st step in encouraging students to value HW
stumpteacher: So a certain degree HW is not respectful of the family time that many families need/want after school.
Matt_Gomez: I know I have assigned decent HW when I am excited to see what they bring back
virtual_teach: we should be filling our day w/such exciting things that they WANT to do more at home!
davidwees: The kids who didn’t get in class went home and if they attempted the homework, did it poorly, reinforcing conceptual errors.  
erinneo: I am not anti-homework. I am anti-waste time and energy on things that don’t matter.
QZLPatriotHawk: Homework to me has a valuable place, but the purpose has to be defined. Why am I assigning this shld b asked each time assign given

I would ask that the following question is added to the poll next week:

Should student access to technology be a right? How can teachers teach 21st century skills without universal access to technology?

To follow the complete discussion see here 

For the stats on #edchat participation see here 

As ever, there were some great links shared:

Catlin Tucker teaches English at Sonoma County’s Windsor High School and online writing courses through Axia College. Named Teacher of the Year at Windsor High School, she complements her in-class instruction with an online learning platform called Collaborize Classroom in a unique blended learning curriculum. She is the San Francisco Examiner on Education, writes a Blended Learning blog and is currently writing a book on the subject. Catlin earned her B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles and English Teaching Credential and Education Masters from University of California, Santa Barbara.

New to Edchat

If you have never participated in an #Edchat discussion, these take place twice a day every Tuesday on Twitter. Over 1,000 educators participate in this discussion by just adding #edchat to their tweets. For tips on participating in the discussion, please check out these posts!

More Edchat


If you’re new to hashtag discussions, then just show up on Twitter on any Tuesday and add just a few tweets on the topic with the hashtag #edchat. 

What do you think? Leave a comment!

March 10, 2011

Can We Align Project Based Learning to Meet the Expectations of Standards and High Stakes Testing?

 #Edchat 03-08–2011 – 18:00 CET 12 PM EST

Thank you to Terry Elliot (@tellio) for this week’s #edchat summary. I think you’ll agree that Terry has gone an extra mile with this post categorising the tweets and giving a very interesting overview of how the chat went. As ever the discussion was fast and furious with lots of ideas, experiences and reservations shared. Thank you Terry. See Terry’s bio at the end of the post.

This is not the first time we have discussed Project Based Learning on #edchat. Nor is it the first time we have addressed the issue of assessment and all that that entails. The ‘old chestnut’ of standardised testing loomed large in the discussion as did the issue of accountability and how this is best measured to ensure a satisfactory outcome for all stakeholders, not just the purse-string holders. Most edchatters have long felt and continue to feel that the current system fails to provide the best deal for learners, teachers and  the adult world of the future that our students today will inhabit. Many educators are striving to understand what the goals of education actually are today and why we hang on to outdated methods, policies and strategies which only seem to push us ever backwards. PBL offers something creative, more flexible and more akin to the way the world operates today. Those teachers who have explored it had nothing but praise and those who hadn’t been given the chance were eager to try it. Is PBL the answer to 21st century assessment? Who knows, but the old ways certainly aren’t and until we try and test new ideas and concepts we will dig ourselves ever deeper into an old, outdated and frankly failing methodology! (Berni)

Here are some of the main themes from the discussion:

  •  Making Project Based Learning (PBL) fit core standards and high stakes testing (HST) or vice versa.
  • Political realities of adopting PBL
  • The “real world” and PBL
  • The paradox of PBL– contrary to HST or only seemingly contrary.
  • The locus of control in PBL

 Here is a selection of some of the comments: 

 With such a vibrant discussion, it’s almost impossible to do it justice in a summary, but I’ve picked out some of the comments that caught my eye.

@CTuckerEnglish  One size fits all doesn’t work for edu, but we are still required to test students using this method. How valuable can results be? #edchat

@rliberni   RT @stumpteacher: It is all in the design. If PBL is designed properly it can align with standards. #edchat

@TonyEdTechTip   I think PBL is great when it is authentic and individual to what the child wants and needs this is opp of a standards based approach #edchat

@stumpteacher   Tests are the destination in most places. PBL is just one of many potential routes to get there. #edchat

@CTuckerEnglish   To effectively shift paradigm to move students from receivers of info to generators of info, PBL makes most sense. #edchat

@amyphs   RT @tomwhitby: We’re told to differentiate instruction for differentiated learning yet the assessments of that learning are all standardized tests. #Edchat

@MertonTech  PBL means that students need to take their specific talents and mold them to the task at hand. Testing doesn’t let the child adapt #edchat

@weisburghm many people would prefer an easy “wrong” answer to a more difficult “good” one #edchat imho

@cfanch   PBL when done correctly is a process not an end product. It includes testing and other forms of assessment. Inquiry is the key. #edchat

@MertonTech   Process is: Ed preps students to prep themselves for a job that supports their life. Test isn’t the end goal, never has been #edchat

@cfanch @Mellohmars (1) Look around you-projects are everywhere. That salt shaker – why are the holes that diameter? (2) You WILL work hard. #edchat

@ChrisVacek  Most admin tasks are already PBL tasks, they just don’t know it; show admins this, and they may support PBL in classrooms. #edchat

@QZLPatriotHawk  Students reported back to my calc. tcher that the ?s on the ACT they took didn’t relate back to PBL that they were doing. #edchat

@anderscj  2 align PBL with standards u 1st have 2 stop asking what activity meets this standard & ask what standards were met by that project #edchat

@anderscj   Flip the alignment process. Do alignment as a kind of checklist. Otherwise, PBL becomes just another form of prescriptive teaching.

@QZLPatriotHawk  @slaleman How about a charter college too with different entrance exams #edchat

@anderscj  Biggest mistake teachers make when trying to use PBL is planning the project. Kids need to own that process. #edchat

@mssanderson_ITS    RT @stumpteacher: In my experience too many teacher focus on the “P” rather than the “L” in PBL. #edchat Learning must be focus.

@leahmacvie @erinneo It kind of makes me wonder- should there be two parts to school- one for PBL/creativity/innovation and one for need-to-know?#edchat

@MertonTech @erinneo Creativity can totally be assessed, just not quantitatively. #edchat

@JoAnnJ68   RT @ericjuli: @erinneo The anti pbl camp wants to make this an either/or discussion. PBL done right is about balance #edchat

@after_school  PBL done right shouldn’t depend on teachers or school day alone; build the team to include community, artists, techies etc. #edchat

@QZLPatriotHawk  Hard to digest PBL at times as a parent of a 2nd grader “wht did u do today?” not given traditional response #edchat

@cybraryman1  @QZLPatriotHawk Yes, I would have PBL workshop for parents where they have a project to do. #edchat

@weisblatt  RT @cybraryman1: PBL: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” …bore me and I’ll tune you out. #edchat

@weisburghm  we stick teachers in class with too many students, restrictive curriculum, and a bad measurement system, & blame them for the result #edchat

An interesting exchange:

@leahmacvie    RT @cybraryman1: I worry that we are not really preparing our students for the real world. #edchat
@QZLPatriotHawk  @cybraryman1 what real world do u refer to…college, jobs, family, citizenship? #edchat
@erinneo        @cybraryman1 @rliberni I hold fast to the belief that schools ARE the real world. My world, yours and the students. 7 hrs/24 #edchat
@slaleman       this highlights need 4 doing away w 1 size fits allRT @ghewgley:The prblm is, What’s the Real World? college, blue coll, trade schl #edchat
@cybraryman1  @sedayyildirim It has to start in the classroom. I taught my students survival skills in the real world #edchat
@ghewgley   To me, PBL is more like real life (practicing). You practice skills, learn, and show what you know. Tests are the actual game-time. #edchat

A humorous and enlightening exchange:

@ericjuli    If I want to learn to drive a standard transmission-Should I read the book, get tested, or do I want to practice driving the car? #edchat
@fliegs   @ericjuli remind me not to lend you my car 🙂 #edchat

@bhsprincipal  RT @ericjuli: If I want to learn to drive a standard transmission-Should I read book, get tested, or practice driving the car? #edchat

@rliberni    RT @fliegs: @ericjuli remind me not to lend you my car 🙂 Lol! #edchat
@ericjuli    @erinneo I don’t think it’s always either/or. By blended is better than book only #edchat

An exchange on the issue of control:

@QZLPatriotHawk    PBL is tough for many because it means to be effective you have to give up control. educators hv hard time w/that #edchat
@erinneo     @QZLPatriotHawk Or the appearance of control. #edchat
@rliberni        RT @QZLPatriotHawk: @cybraryman1 some admin. have a hard time watching classrms that dont appear to be in control too #edchat
@tebotweets    RT @CTuckerEnglish: True! Teacher becomes facilitator instead of source of all knowledge RT @QZLPatriotHawk: PBL means you have to give up control. #edchat
@QZLPatriotHawk   @cybraryman1 some admin. have a hard time watching classrms that dont appear to be in control too #edchat
@leahmacvie      @QZLPatriotHawk Oh do they- some teachers just love being a sage on the stage. LET IT GO!!! Collaborate vs. dictate. #edchat
@rliberni   @QZLPatriotHawk good teachers have control even when things may look out of control #edchat
@QZLPatriotHawk   @rliberni that is why I used the word “appear”. Control is a mater of interpretation. Confident tcher don’t have to control #edchat

Question of the day:

@vickicobb   Why is it that the people who need to see these ideas are never present?

I would ask that the following question is added to the poll next week:

Can we open up our schools to innovation without disrupting them or is the time past for worrying about that?

To follow the complete discussion see here 

For the stats on #edchat participation see here 

As ever, there were some great links shared:

The Big Lies (Part Three):  http://bit.ly/gnk9Gq

@Stumpman PBL examples:  http://bit.ly/fJPmpe

The Twitter Academy:  http://tinyurl.com/45exgdx

An example of real PBL. Unplanned & interest-driven:  http://is.gd/KDID0h

@Weisburghm’s Bookmarks for pbl: http://bit.ly/fLgj3v

Classic use of PBL, standards,action research–Brian Crosby: http://tedxdenvered.com/blog/2010/07/14/presenter-brian-crosby/

Akron Inventors School: http://bit.ly/g8phO7

Great Video – Project Based Learning Explained: http://ow.ly/4acUR 

@cybraryman1  My Project Based Learning page: http://t.co/TgwFMEI

@ericjuli “Pathways to Prosperity” http://bit.ly/evMVs2  (great read on readiness and college)

Terry Elliott has been a composition and literature instructor at Western Kentucky University for the last six years.  Before that for ten years he taught Senior English (portfolio), Arts and Humanities (eighth and juniors), Drama, Media Studies, and Tech Leadership at Hart County High School, a rural school near Mammoth Cave in Kentucky.  I was a tech coordinator there and am a tech liaison for the Western Kentucky University Writing Project.  I am the webmaster for the Kentucky Writing Project and have been immersed in providing tech PD statewide for Writing Project Fellows for the past four years.  I am married to Elaine Digges and we have three grown kids.  We operate a small sheep farm and have been homesteading here for the last thirty years.  And before you say it, yes, lambs are cute, but rams and ewes are–mostly– not.  Come help us shear in late May/early June and find out what sheep are really like.  I am currently in the Educational Leadership doctoral program at WKU where I am researching social capital in professional learning communities.

New to Edchat?

If you have never participated in an #Edchat discussion, these take place twice a day every Tuesday on Twitter. Over 1,000 educators participate in this discussion by just adding #edchat to their tweets. For tips on participating in the discussion, please check out these posts!

More Edchat


If you’re new to hashtag discussions, then just show up on Twitter on any Tuesday and add just a few tweets on the topic with the hashtag #edchat.

March 9, 2011

Setting SMART goals for your English language learning.

You have a language dream – how can you get there?

Start with your destination. Don’t worry where you are now, how much, or how little you know – where are you planning to go?

Without a destination in sight it is very hard to keep motivated and keep on track. You wouldn’t set off on a journey (at least most of us wouldn’t) not knowing where you were going. Your destination may need to be adjusted on the way and that’s absolutely fine but you really need to be able to plan this learning journey from wherever you are now to where you desire to be and it is this ‘map’ you have made that will help you to develop your skills, keep you focused and help you find the necessary support you need on the way.

One way of keeping yourself focused and motivated is to set targets for your language learning just as you would for any other process that you need to work through to get to your goal. We have all heard about SMART goals in other areas of business so why not set some for your language learning?

Here is a suggestion for how to set such goals to maintain your progress and keep your English language dream in focus.

Watch this overview on what SMART goals are and how to set them

Now let’s have a look at how that can be translated into your English language learning.

GOAL:  this is your overall aim it might be a dream (to use English as well as Pierce Brosnan) or it might be something more concrete (to make sure I get to do all the major marketing presentations next year). In either case it will not happen overnight and you’ll need to work out a strategy to get you there.

So let’s make these goals SMART!

(some of the words differ a bit here)


Make them specific and create steps. If you want to be chosen to do the presentations what changes do you need to make to your English in order for that to happen? Here are some things you might need to improve:

  • Get a wider and more varied vocabulary
  • Have better pronunciation
  • Perfect the ability to tell a joke

Whatever you think is stopping you from getting to your desired  level of English write it down. If you are not sure then ask your teacher. If you don’t have a teacher then check with someone else or consider whether you can do this by yourself – should you get professional help?


How are you going to monitor your progress?

If we take the specific goals above;

  • You will know if you’ve learned new words.
  • You may be able to find suitable jokes from presentations you’ve heard or by asking colleagues but will you know if you are telling them well?
  • With pronunciation can you really know how to improve it? There are some online tools and you can decide to use these, or use a voice recorder. You may decide that you need some help from a teacher.

The key here is to be honest and really look at the detail. Think carefully about how to measure progress and decide on the best strategy for this. You must be open and balance the reality against the dream. How important is the dream?


Here again you have to be honest with yourself! Could you really ever be just like Pierce Brosnan – no, but you can use him as your model and get closer. Think about what is realistically attainable for you.

  • If you set a goal to learn 10 new words a week in context can you achieve that?
  • Maybe you’ll get a teacher to help with pronunciation and meet once a week face to face or on Skype
  • You can compile a list of jokes from the internet. You could search for ones that are suitable for presentations. You might look for videos so that you  have the audio too and you can copy the speaker.
  • Maybe you can record yourself and then compare with the original. 
  • Could you set aside two sessions per week ?

These are all the kind of questions you must explore.

By breaking the tasks down into smaller chunks you can set yourself an achievable study programme. Small steps that you can achieve well are better than large aims that are too time-consuming.


In the video the term for ‘R’ is responsible – whose job is it. The answer here is ultimately – yours. However, it is realistic to ask for help if you need it. Then part of the responsibility can be shared with your teacher or the learning group you choose.

More things to consider:

  • How much time can I reasonably spend on studying to make the outcome effective?
  • It’s fine to push yourself but you have to know what you can manage
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help we all study and work better when we have someone to make us accountable


Setting time limits helps us to plan. Maybe you’ve set an overall deadline for being the chosen presenter – say a year. Then you need to break down the tasks you’ve chosen and assign times to those too.

  • Two sessions on vocabulary, one on pronunciation and one on jokes gives you a reasonable study plan for the week – would that work with your schedule?
  • A study programme starts to emerge.
  • The final piece is to add in some assessment – this can be informal but make it regular say every 4 weeks and make sure you are honest about your progress to date.
  • Or better still find an accountability partner – you can keep each other focused and encouraged.

Setting goals that are SMART, being honest with yourself and then sticking to the plan will get you well on your way to reaching your dream.

Two more words – flexibility – if it’s not working re-visit, re-assess – re-plan and – reward– don’t forget to ‘pat yourself on the back’ when things go well – it drives your motivation.

You will get there in the end!

Other posts you might like:

How to be a good language student

When English skills just aren’t good enough

Business English – what is it you really need to learn?

If you would like find out about my English language Mastery programme see here

March 4, 2011

How can K12 and Higher Ed better work together to promote positive change in education?

 #Edchat 03-01–2011 – 18:00 CET 12 PM EST

Grateful thanks to Carl Anderson (@anderscj) for this week’s #edchat summary. It was a great discussion with several participants from both ends of the spectrum and in-between to so a wide range of ideas and experiences. Carl has captured this beautifully in his summary. I hope you all enjoy the post. Thank you Carl. See Carl’s bio at the end of this post.

Here are some of the main themes from the discussion:

  1. k-12 and higher ed need to collaborate more
  2. lack of communication and connection between all levels of education
  3. Do all students need to be prepared for college?

Contrast between k12 and higher ed pedagogies

  1. disconnect between how we teach and how we learn at all levels
  2. What is the purpose of school/education?

Here is a selection of some of the comments:

With such a vibrant discussion, it’s almost impossible to do it justice in a summary, but I’ve picked out some of the comments that caught my eye.

@cybraryman1: K12 schools should establish more partnerships with those in Higher Ed and work together to better education #edchat

 @franze98: . @ShellTerrell we have partnered w/ local community college to offer dual credit courses. shouldn’t all do that? #edchat

 @rliberni:  In fact how closely to Primary and secondary schools work together? Are we all in our own boxes? #edchat

 @tomwhitby: We need a better connection for what K-12 expects of new teachers from college Edu programs. #Edchat

 @leahmacvie: I don’t understand why some colleges are hesitant to partner with K-12 that could offer them future enrollments. #edchat

 @pschoolsystems: Do you think the #CommonCore State Standards will aide in communication between K12 and HigherEd? #edchat

 @leahmacvie: Bringing in K-12 teachers to discuss w/ highered teachers helps to illustrate the types of tech experience and skills students have. #edchat

 @QZLPatriotHawk: How many teachers said they didn’t learn anything of substance until they student taught? More practicum time needed. #edchat

 @TeacherFreeman: Why is it important for teachers to be familiar with curriculum in grades they do not teach? #edchat

 @ShellTerrell: I think in low-income areas a collaboration btwn K12 & Univ helps Ss begin to be college minded Good point! #Edchat

 @leahmacvie: @unhmba Our charter’s are getting students thinking about college much earlier than 11th. Is that a good or bad….. #edchat

@QZLPatriotHawk: Teaching cannot be taught without seeing it in action and getting dirty. Should look more like an apprenticeship #edchat

 @Saveby: #edchat If I remmbr Sir Ken Robinson mentioned a kindergarten sign saying “college begins in kindergarten”. I think here lies the problem

 @isteconnects: In my experience, K-12 is light years ahead of higher ed when it comes to teaching w/ tech #edchat

 @tomwhitby: If the goal of K-12 education is to get everyone to go to college it is unattainable. #Edchat

 @tomwhitby: I have yet to see any real agreement as to what the goal of education should be. #Edchat

 @lemino: If my son’s teacher (6th grade!) says she’s tough on him bcz she’s preparing him for his future education… #edchat

@wmchamberlain: Do we teachers emphasize traditional colleges/universities too much to the deficit of trade schools? Are we creating social classes? #edchat

@isteconnects: Maybe local K12 tech leaders could offer teaching workshops for profs? Anyone see that happening? #edchat

@wmchamberlain: What about students that don’t want/need college? #edchat

 @jorech: If K-12 ONLY prepares kids for college, we are doing them a huge disservice. #edchat

 @EduTechSmith: to me education is not to get kids into college. it is to prepare children to be self-sufficient adults who know how to learn & grow #edchat

@teachnetcom: There’s a disconnect between academia and the real world. We’re not exposing students to enough in HS bc we’re too busy w standards. #edchat

@Smichael920: if schools r preparing learners 4 future society whats the purpose of testing & memorisation? #edchat

I would ask that the following question is added to the poll next week:

  1. For you, what is the purpose of #edchat?
  2. How are school systems addressing the production gap?
  3. What invisible technologies effecting schools & society do we need to be aware of and how do we work to minimize their harm?
  4. Data Walls:  accountability or child exploitation?
  5. What might a world without schools look like?

To follow the complete discussion see here

For the stats on #edchat participation see here

As ever, there were some great links shared:

briankotts What Can TED Do For Education Reform? http://bit.ly/dHt8Os  /via @GOOD #edchat #edtech #ukedchat

MSMS_tech: Students & guidance counselors need to be better able to evaluate college teaching quality and value of degree http://bit.ly/fH9S3c #edchat

andycinek: #edchat here is what I am doing with my Eng 101 class. Students lecture and we use twitter back channel for discussion http://bit.ly/99QKKu

andycinek: @tgwynn Agreed! (throwing pencils in the air) WOO HOO! Cut to: student dance sequence http://youtu.be/cEi2hKbgo0c  #edchat

Dr. Michio Kaku @michiokaku: The Problem with the learning system in school P.2 http://youtu.be/X6o_q0NoeNo  #edchat #ukedchat #eduswe #dkudd

delta_dc:  @jleung10 thanks for sharing http://t.co/z3VHVvN  it makes some good points but I think the following is the most important. #edchat (1/3)

@ShellTerrell Lots going in States around redefining teacher highered. Interesting article at the Economist http://ilnk.me/63c6 #edchat

My school (PDS) has a mentoring program to give a yr’s practice of field work for college students http://tinyurl.com/4rl5r7p

@jorech: What about students that don’t want/need college? This might happen http://imdb.to/9mbNmF #edchat Seems more likely than ever

ERStrategies: #Districts must drill down to understand student needs in more detail http://ow.ly/42MFl  #cpchat #edchat

anderscj: @Smichael920 #Edchat Purpose of testing and memorization = mandate soft bigotry of low expectations http://is.gd/VgoonY

ToughLoveforX: In New York City at big step forward in teacher HigherEd http://ilnk.me/700c  #edchat might be replicable

kbakerIEE: Strong correlation w/P2A http://bit.ly/fvtWq3  :”Tough Choices or Tough Times” http://bit.ly/fBHO73  #edchat #edreform article via @ericjuli

@evmaiden Colleges can ignore messiness of the data because consumers of higher ed are willing, mostly paying. http://bit.ly/gwweLj

Carl Anderson is currently a technology integration specialist for East Metro Integration School District 6067 in St. Paul, MN, an online art and technology teacher for Connections Academy, and an adjunct instructor for Hamline University’s Graduate School of Education. He was a classroom art teacher for nine years before his current positions. His research interests include technology mediated differentiated instruction, virtual worlds, alternative pedagogy, project-based learning, and equity issues related to technology and schools. Carl is a frequent conference presenter and school technology consultant.  He blogs at Techno Constructivist and is @anderscj on Twitter.

New to Edchat?

If you have never participated in an #Edchat discussion, these take place twice a day every Tuesday on Twitter. Over 1,000 educators participate in this discussion by just adding #edchat to their tweets. For tips on participating in the discussion, please check out these posts!

  1. Edchat: Join the Conversation
  2. Using Tweetdeck for Hashtag Discussions

More Edchat

  1. If you would like to join others in transforming the discussion into action, please feel free to join the Edchat group on the Educator PLN ning.
  2. Jerry Swiatek does an incredible job of posting each archived transcript on the Edchat wiki created by Steve Johnson. This way you can look back at your favorites!
  3. Find previous summaries here on this blog – see edchat category on right sidebar
  4. Follow other Edchatters and make sure you are on this Twitter list if you participate in Edchat!
  5. Read summaries of the 7pm EST/1 am CET Edchat discussions.


If you’re new to hashtag discussions, then just show up on Twitter on any Tuesday and add just a few tweets on the topic with the hashtag #edchat.

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